Web Toolbar by Wibiya The Extraordinary Mindset: The Magic of Awesome Thinking

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Magic of Awesome Thinking

Our minds aren't something material or a physical organ like our brains. Some say it's an activity; other's a consciousness. Our minds create images and operate by specific immutable laws or principles.
Whatever we think about in our minds, we bring to pass in our real physical world. Therefore, we have to be very careful and selective about what we think! Think ONLY about the things that we want to take place in our lives. When we constantly think about the things we don't want, we get the exact opposite of what we really want to happen in our lives.

The Magic Of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz.

This is best expressed in computer programming:
The acronymn GIGO, stands for Garbage In Garbage Out. I wish to put it more positively, Gold In Gold Out. Our minds operate very much like the software programming in computers. The computer would execute the instructions exactly as it was programme to do. Similarly, our bodies cannot help but express what constantly goes through our minds (what we think about on a regular basis)!
The one choice we have in this life is the choice of what we choose to think. We can choose to think positively (gold) or to think negatively (garbage). The choice we make, will make a world of a difference in what happens in our lives.

Have a notepad or journal always at hand, to write whatever great ideas or inspiration that we get no matter where we happen to be or what time it happens to be, before they get lost forever.
"Don't let ideas escape. Write them down. Every day lots of good ideas are born only to die quickly because they aren't nailed to paper... Carry a notebook or some small cards with you. When you get an idea, write it down... People with fertile, creative minds know a good idea may sprout any time, any place. Don't let ideas escape; else you destroy the fruits of your thinking." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.

"Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank. ... Successful people specialize in putting positive thoughts into their memory bank." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.
We must make a concerted effort to deposit good positive thoughts in our minds every conscious moment of our lives. We need to concentrate our thoughts on all that we have achieved, both great and small—beginning from the awards we have won in college or even the little achievements at the beginning of our working life. Think about all the things that we are grateful for—from our good health, to our past achievements, to the fact that we are still alive. We need to saturate our minds with these positive thoughts.
Consciously feed our minds with positive thoughts whenever we have quiet moments by ourselves (in your car, in the shower, at the gym, on walks, etc).
Withdraw only previously deposited positive thoughts from our memory bank and watch our self-confidence skyrocketing.

It absolutely necessary that we first believe that we can succeed.
"Here is the first step toward success. It's a basic step. It can't be avoided. Step One: Believe in yourself, believe you can succeed." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.

"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford.
''It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -- Seneca (Roman philosopher, mid-1st Century AD)

We have to quit giving ourselves excuses for not doing what we want to do.

Sticking to the task at hand (persistence) is 95% of ability.
"Just enough sense to stick with something—a chore, task, project, until it's completed pays off much better than idle intelligence, even if idle intelligence be of genius caliber." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." ~ Calvin Coolidge

We must not wait for all conditions to be perfect before we take action.
"We must be willing to make an intelligent compromise with perfection lest we wait forever before taking action." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.

Action cures fear. Do the thing we fear, and the fear disappears.
"A good idea if not acted upon produces terrible psychological pain. But a good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction. Got a good idea? Then do something about it. Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Here's something to remember: Actions feed and strengthen confidence; inaction in all forms feeds fear. To fight fear, act. To increase fear—wait, put off, postpone." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.

"To think confidently, act confidently... Act the way you want to feel." ~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big.

The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr Norman Vincent Peale.

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